Grambling Attorney Bills Mount

Grambling’s attorney fees from July to August 2010 increased by more than 100% from $5, 271.00 to $11,913.78 — A complete review of these public record documents are available here:

Grambling Lawyer Bill 0810 pg 1
Grambling Laywer Bill 0810 pg 2
Grambling Lawyer Bill 0810 pg 3
Grambling Lawyer Bill 0810 pg 4
Grambling Lawyer Bill 0810 pg 5 of 5

Copyright 2010 —The Fount

All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “Grambling Attorney Bills Mount”

  1. The saddest part about this bill is that we have a black community that is being out right ripped-off, robbed out during business hours, in broad daylight. Nowhere else in America does this happen, I promise you. By now, at least someone would have spoken up about the tactics used by the City’s Attorney and realized that they create most of the scenarios and then charge for them.

    I was able to see this tactic while Breedlove stood before the Council and weasled her way into ‘getting paid for a lawsuit that she knows the city wont win’ by keeping the issue on the table. What she should have been doing is mediating. She claims this is one of her skills and according to the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board, mediation is her or the firms’s ethical duty. There’s no way she should get paid approximately $9000 and counting to sue a case that she doesn’t even understand.

    She knows it’s wrong. This firm is not new to trouble in that department. The fact that no one has contacted that lady to even inquire about that project is enough to question their abilities as attorneys. To top that off, that lady is a citizen that we have selected a non-black firm to attack with some of her own money as a tax payer.

    That’s just the beginning of this saga though. The citizens that spoke up and said that the council should ‘do what they have to do’ are simply sharing uninformed opinions. They are sharing rancid lies by omission. Neither of them know what it takes to build a site nor do they know what that project is about. The council doesn’t even know because you see it in the paper, ‘webpage’ vs. ‘website’. Some people with opinions probably don’t even own email addresses so they definitly dont know what ‘domain aquisition’ means, for instance. Some of those old scandalous pretenders probably don’t even know how to turn a computer on! Some of them are simply lonely and hurting and miserable and need and want to spread it. Anyhow, so, pray tell. How would they know?

    That bill above is just a sick representation of the sickos that sit on the panel each month that call themselves men that should all be voted out and put in jail when all of what they do and have done is released. The CA should be disbarred for their part in what has happened there. That bill should be picked apart by those citizens and the CA should be investigated and I guarantee you will find similar issues from other cases where they were boarderline or even reprimended for the same behavior.

    If the bill isn’t paid though, I’ll betcha the scandals will fly and Grambling will be back in the news with yet another lawsuit. I think the people that share uninformed opinions should start paying those bills straight from the hip. They are the ones the council listens to or listened to in the case of this bill. Think about it.

    “IT” will hit the fan and “IT” will be flying and very soon.

  2. My my…is this the same attorney that Ed Jones was running around the council room acting as mayor and councilman the same night and voting on this attorney????!!! If I remember correctly he was trying to take the place of Mayor Martha Andrus and than came back and voted as a councilmember…as amatter of fact I have the notes for this meeting when a friend of mine took dication when they attended the meeting. How many times now has this happened….the attorneys all get warned that unless approved by the mayor properly and according to Lawrason Lawprocedures they will NOT BE PAID.

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