Tag Archives: Doug Kaufmann

Vaccine-Free Flu Prevention

From the “Know The Cause” Newsletter by Doug Kaufmann, The Fount is pleased to present an informative article by Lynn Jennings MD about natural ways to prevent the flu and avoid vaccinations.

The Hard Sell, The Soft Sell

Dear Readers,

The “pre-season” flu is upon us. I started writing this article in mid-August so it is hard to tell what kind of insanity the pharmaceutical company will be promoting. If last year was any indication, I predict that the government will be laying low after last year’s hard sell for the useless H1N1 vaccine. This year will see a more subtle approach in an attempt to increase the number of recommended adult vaccinations.

Currently the government recommends yearly seasonal flu vaccinations, a pneumococcal vaccination, a tetanus vaccination, and a zoster (shingles) vaccination. That is a list just off the top of my head (see the end of the article for full listing). The latest (but not the newest) vaccination is for pertussis. Read on…

I saw this commercial a few weeks ago and I shook my head in amazement. The commercial starts with a mother holding her child in her arms saying, “We think the safest place in the world for our babies is in our arms, but it can also be one of the most dangerous.” What? Are you kidding me?

Now if you were to drop the baby, that would constitute danger, but no, the commercial goes on to talk about the need for adults to be vaccinated against pertussis. The propaganda machine would like you to believe that adults lacking vaccination against pertussis are too dangerous to be around your baby.

Pertussis is the medical term for whooping cough. Whooping cough is a bacterial respiratory infection caused by Bordetella pertussis. Whooping cough is considered an endemic illness.

An endemic illness refers to an illness that persists in a population without having to be reintroduced from outside. For example, chickenpox is an endemic disease in the United Kingdom; malaria is not.

Generally speaking, there are 5000-7000 cases of whooping cough reported each year. The Center for Disease Control reports that “epidemics” of pertussis occur every three to five years. The most recent “epidemic” occurred in 2005 when there were 25,616 cases reported in the United States. (1)

In 2007, there were 10,454 cases and ten deaths reported in children. (2) The CDC reported 8,295 known cases for the 2009 season. (3) Currently the CDC recommends that children be vaccinated for pertussis five times by the age of four to six years (vaccinations at two months, four months, six months, eighteen months and four to six years).

Not content with that, the pharmaceutical companies are suggesting, through supposed public service announcements, that adults need to be vaccinated as well. In my own opinion, these public service announcements seem more like Big Pharma subsidized commercials.

In a bit of related news (on the epidemic that was not), the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the swine flu pandemic over. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the organization’s emergency committee of top flu experts advised her that the pandemic had “largely run its course” and the world is no longer in phase six — the highest influenza alert level.

Governments in Europe and North America had already started dumping vaccines earlier this year after finding their stocks were full of expiring supplies.  (4) The WHO just released a list of the names of key pandemic advisers who influenced the decision to declare a phase six pandemic.

Interestingly, five of these advisers receive money from the vaccine manufacturers. Why is this a problem? It seems very suspicious that the WHO would enlist advisers with financial ties to the vaccine industry to decide whether a pandemic was underway and then declare it to be so. (5)

Doesn’t it just seem like someone is always “pushing a vaccine”? Or perhaps I have just become cynical since the manufactured “swine flu pandemic” last year. Add to that the campaign to vaccinate little girls for human papilloma virus to “prevent” cervical cancer, yearly seasonal flu “shots”, and hepatitis B vaccinations for newborns. Endorsement of Big Pharma seems to be a reflex for many journalists.

I just read an article about the fact that most doctors in residency “work when they are sick.” Which led the author of the article to mention, “The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly recommends annual flu vaccinations for all health care workers to prevent their patients from getting sick.”  (6)

This implies that if I get the flu vaccine I will be able to keep my patients from getting ill. Right…that would be a logical conclusion if the vaccines were effective, but I am not convinced that they are. This is propaganda, pure and simple.

I recently reviewed the recommended immunization schedule for children. If I exclude the yearly seasonal flu shots (which if given according to schedule could number up to eighteen) and the meningococcal vaccine required of virtually all incoming college freshmen, children are expected to receive over thirty-two vaccinations.(2,5) How many is too many? Every parent must make this decision based upon his or her own research and comfort level.

What can you do? Last year I wrote about the things you could do to optimize your immune system and prevent “swine flu.” The same recommendations hold true whether it is the seasonal flu, common cold, or another infectious disease.

It is always easier to prevent an illness than to treat one. I would recommend that everyone begin a “prevention program” which focuses on optimizing your immune system. Keeping your immune system healthy is the best and most effective defense:

1. Get adequate amounts of rest. Irregular sleeping patterns or inadequate sleep cause stress on your body and can adversely affect your immune system.

2. Maintain a healthy diet. You need to limit your intake of refined sugar such as candy, cakes, donuts, etc. You should also stay away from artificial sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame, and Splenda. Eat plenty of green and purple vegetables.

The majority of your diet should be vegetables and fruits. Avoid peanuts and corn which are foods that tend to be highly contaminated with fungus and fungal byproducts (mycotoxins). Almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, etc. are good substitutes for peanuts.

3. Regular exercise. You do not have to be a marathon runner. Walking is good. Do what you can. If you cannot walk, arm exercises are good.

4. Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D3. A good starting dose would be 5000 units per day until you can have your doctor or health care provider check your 25 hydroxy-vitamin D3 levels. Recommended levels are 70-100.

5. Take 4000-6000mg of vitamin C daily.

6. Take 25mg zinc citrate daily

7. Take 50mcg selenium daily

8. I would start on an iodine supplement such as Iodoral 12.5mg tablets. Take three tablets per day.

9. Take daily probiotics.

If you think you have been exposed to the flu, or are showing signs of infection there are some things that you can do:

• Increase your dose of Vitamin D3 to 50,000 units a day for 3 days.
• Increase you dose of Vitamin C. Take 1000-2000mg every 3-4 hours.

When your intestinal tract has reached its limit of absorption of Vitamin C, you will usually have a loose bowel movement. Just decrease the dose of vitamin C or increase the time interval between doses.

Drink plenty of water.

• Increase zinc citrate to 50mg daily
• Increase selenium to 200mcg a day for 3-4 days
• Make sure you are on a source of iodine such as Iodoral. Take 3 tablets of Iodoral 12.mg daily.

I promised you a list of the recommended vaccines for adults. Surprise! I just received a list of clinical recommendations in the mail from The American Academy of Family Physicians. They urge me to use every opportunity to immunize my patients.

The printing and mailing of those materials was provided for by a grant from Merck & Co., Inc. (thought you would like to know). A complicated and detailed list of vaccinations and explanation of risk factors and contraindications can be obtained at http://www.cdc.gov.

Vaccine Recommendations (7)
Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (TD/Tdap) – Boost with Td every 10 years

Human papilloma virus (HPV) – 3 doses for women ages 19 – 26 years

Varicella – 2 doses

Zoster – 1 dose after age 60

Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) – 1-2 doses between 19 and 49; 1 dose after 50 if you have risk factors

Influenza – 1 dose annually

Pneumococcal – 1-2 doses between the ages of 19-64 if risk factors are present; one dose after

Hepatitis A – 2 doses for those with risk factors or in a medical occupation

Hepatitis B – 3 doses for those with risk factors or in a medical occupation

Meningococcal – One or more doses for those with risk factors, or in a medical occupation. Required by most colleges for incoming freshmen.

Blessings from my vaccine-free clinic,
Lynn Jennings, M.D.

1. http://www.cdc.gov

2. http://www.examiner.com Zagoren, K. “Pertussis update: Whooping cough on the rise nationwide.” August 3, 2010.

3. http://www.abcnews.go.com Jordan, F. “WHO Says Swine Flu Pandemic is Over. August 10, 2010.”

4. http://www.immunize.org

5. http://www.naturalnews.com Adams, M. “WHO list reveals flu advisers with financial ties pharma, vaccine manufacturers.”

6. http://www.msnbc.com Tanner, L. “Working While Sick? Study finds even doctors do it.” September 14, 2010.

7. Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule United States 2010, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can go to http://www.cdc.gov for detailed schedules.


Doug Kaufmann and Dr. Jennings were 2 of the 4 speakers featured at the Grambling Health Seminar held in the School of Nursing Auditorium Grambling State University this past April 2010.

–The Fount

Causes And Avoidance Of The Common Cold

The Fount is happy to present Gus Kotsanis MD who offers the following advice about understanding the cause and how to prevent the common cold.

Causes And Avoidance Of The Common Cold

As Fall and Winter approach, we see an increase of common colds. The common cold is the most familiar viral disease and afflicts children more than adults. In the traditional AMA world, more than 200 viruses get out of hand during cold weather because we are in close quarters.

Although viruses deliver the final blow and create symptoms, there is a different view of the primary cause among alternative physicians. It is worth repeating that about 200 viruses cause the common cold. But why the large increase during the winter? The answer is in a study that was done in a prison system (I do not have the source available at my finger tips). The study went as follows: in the same prison system they isolated two buildings of prisoners.

No prisoner from Building One came in contact with any prisoner in Building Two the entire winter. Prisoners in Building One were given nothing other than normal food and water the entire winter. Prisoners in Building Two were given the same food and water. However, this group also received daily doses of vitamin D during the entire winter.

The results were dramatically better for the prisoners who received vitamin D; the number of colds among this group was almost nil. In the prisoners who received no vitamin D, the number of colds was very high. This study proves that the number of colds can be diminished or drastically reduced if one uses vitamin D during the winter months.

In my clinical experience I have observed that patients who take daily doses of vitamin D (2,000 to 5,000 units per day) rarely get colds. The prescription for health from October to May should include vitamin D, vitamin C, fish oil, zinc, and iodine. Also, during an epidemic, one can add elderberry for extra protection. In my opinion we are low in vitamin D during the cold months because we spend very little time in the sun.

Heliotherapy for about one hour per day (before 10 AM and after 4 PM) is usually enough sun exposure to get vitamin D. However, almost nobody will take the time to sit out in the sun  in the cold of winter. Thus vitamin D must be supplemented.

Kindest regards,


In my personal studies of this subject, many doctors, nutritionists and dieticians recommend supplementing a particular form of Vitamin D, Vitamin D-3.  We encourage you to do your research and check some things out for yourself because you’re likely to be surprised how easy it is to turn your health conditions around.

This article is just another example to show how the body heals itself and our immune systems work best when given the proper nutrients.  That which we swallow is our responsibility and ours alone.  The above article is printed by permission from Doug Kaufmann of “Know The Cause” .

Thanks Doug, and Thanks Dr. Gus!

The Fount

Fungal Toxin Linked To Homosexuality

Jaw Dropping News: As reported  by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health in a PubMed study entitled “The effect of fungal toxins on the sexual behaviour of rabbits.” a fungal toxin called fusarium that is commonly found in highly consumed corn, peanut and cereal products has been linked as an organic cause to homosexual behavior in rabbits and even people.

The abstract dated back in 1987 reads:


Feeding rabbits with mycelium from Fusarium roseum is shown to produce infertility, the disappearance of aggressivity, and homosexual behaviour in males, while the effect of the females is only infertility. This mycelium contains the mycotoxin zearalenon which has effects similar to those of the female hormone. This fungus willingly grows on common crops and is consumed both by people and animals-although normally in very low doses. It cannot be ruled out that an increased growth of fungus, due to artificial fertilization, which then can be demonstrated to be found in food and consumed, can be a factor which increases the incidence of homosexual behavior in people.

The above can be found here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2959888

This astonishing old news became astonishing new news courtesy of Doug Kaufmann’s TV show entitled “Know The Cause” in his News & Views segment, available on satellite/cable TV and at his website http://www.knowthecause.com

Mr. Kaufmann has been a clinical nutrition researcher for over 30 years. He has been a pioneer in exposing fungus as the cause of many common physical sicknesses including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, dandruff, and the list goes on.

Kaufmann advocates an anti-fungal regimen of diet, exercise as well as anti-fungal prescription meds and anti-fungal nutritional supplements to help with these conditions, and has many doctors backing him up on the fact that such information is not offered even in medical schools today.

Thousands have offered testimonials to their success by using Doug Kaufmann’s approach.  More information is available by emailing us here: contactthefount@gmail.com

Editorial Comment:

Nobody is given a free pass from the negative consequences resulting from choices made in this life, and in sharing this scientific report I make no such implication; FUNGUS is implicated as a physical organic cause to homosexuality – not the deeper spiritual cause.

Please consider Deuteronomy 28:22 and other passages of scripture where fungus is listed as a physical organic destructive mechanism operating in the lives of those who are cursed due to their autonomous choice to reject God.

Fungus causes a whole slew of physical problems in humans, and this article simply confirms a fungal link between the curse on rebellious mankind and homosexuality. Fungus happens to be the most overlooked physical cause of disease worldwide, and a vast majority of those under the curse are completely oblivious to this well-documented fact.

The curses which God warns us about affect individuals physically, mentally and spiritually because the human mind, body and spirit are integrated/interconnected, therefore as far as I’m concerned in this matter, once again science confirms scripture.

And just like one can repent of homosexuality and turn towards Godliness by choice, one can also begin an anti-fungal regimen to reverse the physical detriments of the curse.

Copyright 2010 —The Fount

Health Books For Sale


It’s hard to turn any disease around if you don’t know the organic cause. I prayed about this, and God answered my prayers.

YES, God heals supernaturally through prayer, fasting, the anointing of oil and the laying on of hands – but we also need to know about the most overlooked cause of disease in America today.

The organic cause of these diseases (FUNGUS) is linked to an ancient curse found in the Old Testament, but INFORMED Children of God who live under the Blessing Of Abraham are STILL being delivered!

Author & TV show host of “Know The Cause” Doug Kaufmann’s books regarding the fungal link to CANCER, DIABETES, HEART DISEASE and many other illnesses are available here at The Fount!

These cutting edge science based books are inexpensive and changing lives – including my own!  REAL hope can be found here:


Your support of this ministry is greatly appreciated.


Rev. David J. Dill

Copyright 2010 – The Fount

All Rights Reserved

Pioneers Of Prevention

Why is the fungal-link to disease theory such a big deal?   Anytime a ‘crazy’ man comes along with new information that’s never been heard of, and doctors who previously worked to disprove him can’t and actually get on board to help him educate the masses – it’s a big deal!

From very old reference books by doctors in the ’40’s & ’50’s, author & TV show host of “Know The Cause” (www.knowthecause.com) Doug Kaufmann discusses his little known doctor-approved theory of FUNGUS being the real cause of diabetes, obesity, cancer, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart disease and a slew of other common illnesses.

From the Dallas area, Kaufmann is accompanied by PhD. Cardiac Pharmacologist Dr. Roby Mitchell, and Dr. Lynn Jennings who used to try and disprove Kaufmann’s theories and are now testifying that they could not!

Due to the phenomenal results their own patients have received from Kaufmann’s protocols, these doctors now accompany Kaufmann in lecture sessions emphasizing PREVENTION & REVERSAL of disease around the country by educating the masses on the veracity of the fungal link to disease: the most overlooked cause of disease in America and around the world.

Seeing as how the human body was designed to heal itself such as when one cuts themselves, etc. if one’s health conditions steadily deteriorate while taking drugs, radiation, chemo, etc. it’s obvious that something is wrong and needs to be changed!

This unique team of specialists train doctors and nurses by offering safe, scientifically proven solutions for people to reverse these illnesses through diet, exercise, and specific nutrients & prescription medications known to kill fungus in the human body.

If you are interested in having these Pioneers Of Prevention to come to your area, if you are interested in obtaining books by Doug Kaufmann or a DVD of the Grambling Health Seminar 4/24/10 simply contact The Fount at: contactthefount@gmail.com or call 318.263.7265   We offer real solutions to the real problem.

For The Blessed Via The Blessing!


TV show host and author Doug Kaufmann of “Know The Cause” is scheduled to speak live on KGRM radio station’s “Good Morning Grambling!” broadcast on Wednesday April 14th, 2010 from 9:00-10:00 AM.  While Doug is known in many parts of the country and around the world, his efforts to improve people’s health are relatively new to the North Central region of Louisiana; even though he is located near Dallas, TX.

Basically, he talks about how a post Vietnam mystery illness left him as a 7th Marine Division medical corpsman (pronounced COR-MAN, not CORPSE-MAN) out of luck.  The medications only hid or worsened the mystery illness –but a library card and The Hand of God allowed him to turn despair into not only an education and a way-out, but also a career of helping others.

In a nutshell, Doug speaks on what he believes to be the most overlooked cause of disease in America and around the world based on his own struggle with traditional medicine.  Even though there are references to this organic cause of disease it in the Bible, the information Doug brings is new even to most bible scholars.  Doug and his team of doctors have toured the country training doctors and pastors on this magnificent subject matter for over 30 years.

In light of the latest health care reform laws being enacted (or should we say health insurance reform) Doug Kaufmann and his team of scientists work to empower people at the grass roots level by identifying the true cause to illness and advocating prevention.

INDEED, Grambling and the surrounding area is very blessed to have such a high caliber of researchers and scientists to drive over 6 hours one way to bring such life-saving information at the upcoming seminar for absolutely no charge.    People who have attended his seminars in other parts of the state were happy to register from as far away as Lake Charles and Baton Rouge Louisiana to attend, and these have shared fantastic testimonies of how their illnesses completely turned around after following Kaufmann’s advice.

Doug has written 8 books on this subject matter.  His TV show “Know The Cause” is available to over 80 million people on DirectTV and Dish Network via the Christian Television Network, and during Wednesday’s radio show on KGRM, Kaufmann will be helping to promote the Free Grambling Health Seminar Like No Other in which Doug and his team of scientists will conduct informative lectures followed by a Question & Answer session.

The seminar scheduled for 10AM Saturday April 24th 2010 was originally scheduled to take place at the Grambling Comunity Center, but due to overwhelming demand it has been moved to a the larger Grambling State University’s School Of Nursing Auditorium.  Due to limited capacity, pre-registration is required.  Simply provide your name, number in your party and your contact phone number or email address by calling 318.263.7265 or emailing contactthefount@gmail.com

This unique health seminar is a joint effort by Grambling State University’s School of Nursing, The City of Grambling’s Mayor Martha Andrus and this publication The Fount Online News to promote health and wellness to the community by providing real solutions to the real problem.

During the ‘Good Morning Grambling!’ radio show, Doug Kaufmann will tell his own story and be available for questions to the listening audience.

The Fount

Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

Grambling Health Seminar Re-Scheduled

The free “Grambling Health Seminar Like No Other” featuring TV show host and author Doug Kaufmann of “KNOW THE CAUSE” (www.knowthecause.com) and his team of scientists including Cardiac Pharmacologist and physician, Roby Mitchell, PhD, MD and General Practitioner, Lynn Jennings, MD has been re-scheduled from 4/10 to 9:30 a.m. Saturday April 24th 2010.

When a doctor says that no scientists have been able to disprove the fungal-link to disease hypotheses, surely we must learn all we can to protect our health in new ways that we might never have considered.

According to this unique team of researchers, FUNGUS has been identified by the Bible and confirmed by science to be the physical root cause of the following ailments:  ALL cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, auto-immune diseases, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, anemia (even sickle cell), kidney disease, atherosclerosis, heart disease, obesity, restless leg syndrome and many more common ailments.

They discuss how we unknowingly and regularly swallow fungus and fungal poisons (mycotoxins) in certain commonly contaminated foods, alcohol & even our most commonly consumed medications– antibiotics! And they remind us how easy it is to inhale fungus (mold, mildew) by entering old ‘sick’ buildings where roofs or plumbing leaked, and breathing in contaminated dust from the ground and sand.  But there is REAL hope!

According to the testimonies of those who follow their ‘anti-fungal’ regimens, the advice shared by these medical professionals to starve and kill fungus in the human body via diet, exercise, certain prescription meds and certain anti-fungal nutrients has saved countless thousands of lives for over 30 years.

It’s not very often that doctors of this caliber team up to lecture the general public and answer questions from the floor for FREE – so please take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity and spread the word to everybody you know – it’s that important.

For more information you may review additional articles in the Health & Nutrition section of The Fount. REGISTRATION instructions can be found by clicking here.

Be Immensely Blessed!