Tag Archives: prevent colds

Causes And Avoidance Of The Common Cold

The Fount is happy to present Gus Kotsanis MD who offers the following advice about understanding the cause and how to prevent the common cold.

Causes And Avoidance Of The Common Cold

As Fall and Winter approach, we see an increase of common colds. The common cold is the most familiar viral disease and afflicts children more than adults. In the traditional AMA world, more than 200 viruses get out of hand during cold weather because we are in close quarters.

Although viruses deliver the final blow and create symptoms, there is a different view of the primary cause among alternative physicians. It is worth repeating that about 200 viruses cause the common cold. But why the large increase during the winter? The answer is in a study that was done in a prison system (I do not have the source available at my finger tips). The study went as follows: in the same prison system they isolated two buildings of prisoners.

No prisoner from Building One came in contact with any prisoner in Building Two the entire winter. Prisoners in Building One were given nothing other than normal food and water the entire winter. Prisoners in Building Two were given the same food and water. However, this group also received daily doses of vitamin D during the entire winter.

The results were dramatically better for the prisoners who received vitamin D; the number of colds among this group was almost nil. In the prisoners who received no vitamin D, the number of colds was very high. This study proves that the number of colds can be diminished or drastically reduced if one uses vitamin D during the winter months.

In my clinical experience I have observed that patients who take daily doses of vitamin D (2,000 to 5,000 units per day) rarely get colds. The prescription for health from October to May should include vitamin D, vitamin C, fish oil, zinc, and iodine. Also, during an epidemic, one can add elderberry for extra protection. In my opinion we are low in vitamin D during the cold months because we spend very little time in the sun.

Heliotherapy for about one hour per day (before 10 AM and after 4 PM) is usually enough sun exposure to get vitamin D. However, almost nobody will take the time to sit out in the sun  in the cold of winter. Thus vitamin D must be supplemented.

Kindest regards,


In my personal studies of this subject, many doctors, nutritionists and dieticians recommend supplementing a particular form of Vitamin D, Vitamin D-3.  We encourage you to do your research and check some things out for yourself because you’re likely to be surprised how easy it is to turn your health conditions around.

This article is just another example to show how the body heals itself and our immune systems work best when given the proper nutrients.  That which we swallow is our responsibility and ours alone.  The above article is printed by permission from Doug Kaufmann of “Know The Cause” .

Thanks Doug, and Thanks Dr. Gus!

The Fount